Tel:+86 10 88233181
E-mail£ºjiay@ihep.ac.cn |
Jia Yu (
of Physics)
Born in TianShui, GanSu Province, China (1974).
Ohio State
University, U.S., in 2002.
M. S., Peking University, Beijing, in 1998.
B.S., Peking University, Beijing, in 1995. Research experience:
Postdoc at
Michigan State University, U.S., 2002 ¨C 2004;
Maria Curie Fellow (Postdoc) at University of Milano & INFN,
Italy, 2004-2005;
Associate Professor , IHEP, Beijing, 2006 - 2012
Professor , IHEP, Beijing, 2012 - present
Research Field:
Heavy Quarkonium Physics;
Perturbative QCD;
Effective Field Theory.
Recent Research Work:
1) F. Feng £¬ Y. J. and W.-L. Sang, Reconciling the NRQCD Prediction and the J/psi->3 gamma data , arXiv:1210.6337 [hep-ph].
2) Y.J., W.-L. Sang and J. Xu, Inclusive h_c Production at B factories, Phys. Rev. D865 (2012) 074023 [arXiv:1206.5785 [hep-ph]].
3) H.-R. Dong, F. Feng and Y. J., O (alpha_s v^2) corrections to J/psi+eta_c Production at B factories, Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 114018 [arXiv:1204.4128 [hep-ph]].
4) Y. J., F. Jugeau and L. Oliver, New results on the baryon decay $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c \ell \nu$ in Heavy Quark Effective Theory, Phys. Rev. D86, 014002 (2012)[arXiv:1202.4100 [hep-ph]].
5) H.-R. Dong, F. Feng and Y.J., O(alpha_s) corrections to J/psi+chi_{cJ} Production at B factories, JHEP 1110, 141 (2011)[arXiv:1107.4351 [hep-ph]].
6) Y. J., X.-T. Yang, W.-L. Sang and J. Xu, $O(\alpha_s v^2)$ correction to pseudoscalar quarkonium decay to two photons , JHEP 1106, 097 (2011) [arXiv:1104.1418 [hep-ph]].
7) Y. J., J.-X. Wang and D. Yang, Bridging light-cone and NRQCD approaches: asymptotic behavior of $B_c$ electromagnetic form factor, JHEP 1110, 105 (2011) [arXiv:1012.6007 [hep-ph]].
8) Y. J., Color-singlet relativistic correction to inclusive J/psi production associated with light hadrons at B factories, Phys. Rev. D82, 034017 (2010), arXiv:0912.5498 [hep-ph]].