Tel:+86 10 88235062
huangtao@ihep.ac.cn |
Huang Tao (Ph.D / Full Professor )
Born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, China (1940).
Sept.1957---Sept.1963 Student,Department of Physics, Peking University,Beijing,P.R.China.
Sept.1963---Sept.1967 Ph.D student, Institute of Atomic Energy, CAS,Beijing,P.R.China.
Research experience:
Sept.1967---1973 Institute of Atomic Energy, CAS, Beijing, P.R.China.
1973-present Theoretical Physics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS, Beijing,P.R.China. Aug.1979---Oct.1981 Theory Group,SLAC,Stanford University,USA.
Sept.1987---Nov.1987 Theory Division,CERN,Switzerland.
Sept.1988---Nov.1988 College de France,France.
Nov.1988---Dec.1988 University of Wuppertal,Germany.
Oct.1990---Jan.1991 Department of Physics,UCLA,USA.
Oct.1993---Dec.1993 Theory Divsion,Fermilab,USA.
Research Field:
Particle physics theory.
1.Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD),
2.QCD Sum Rules,
3.Heavy flavor physics,
4.Hadronic physics(BES physics)..
Recent Research Work:
More than 170 papers.