Tel:+86 10 88236142
huangcg@ihep.ac.cn |
HUANG Chao-Guang (Ph.D / Professor of Physics)
Education: B.S degree at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, in 1982; M. S. degree, Beijing Normal University at Beijing in 1984; Ph.D. degree at IHEP, Beijing, in 1989.
Research experience:
Professor IHEP, Beijing, 1989 - present
Research Field:
Relativity and gravitational theory, including black holes physics; physical cosmology; gravitational waves, quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology; propagation of light pulses in anomalous dispersion medium, de Sitter special relativity, gauge theories of gravity, possible kinematics and their geometries.
Recent Research Work:
Recent research focus on de Sitter special relativity, gauge theories of gravity, possible kinematics and their geometries