Tel:+86 10 88233085
Dongyb@ihep.ac.cn |
Dong Yu Bing (Ph.D / Professor of Physics)
Academic professional background:
December, 2001-present: Professor in Nuclear Physics at IHEP, CAS, Beijing, P. R. China.
March,1995-Nov. 2001: Associate Professor in theoretical nuclear physics at IHEP, CAS, Beijing, P. R. China.
Mar.,1993-Mar.,1995: Assistant Professor in theoretical nuclear physics at IHEP, CAS, Beijing, P. R. China.
Mar.,1991-Mar.,1993: Post-doctor in theoretical nuclear physics at IHEP, CAS, Beijing, P. R. China. Academic positions abroad:
1, Oct.-Nov. 2007, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University, Germany.
2, May-June 2007, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University.
3, Oct.-Nov. 2006, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University.
4, May 26-June 10, 2006 Laboratoire de Physique Sybatomique, Grenoble, France.
5, Nov. 20-Dec. 3, 2005, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University.
6, Apr. 2005-June 2005, visiting at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University.
7, Nov. 2004-Dec. 2004, Visiting at the Department of Physics, Genova ?University.
8, Nov. 2003-Dec. 2003, Visiting Prof. at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
9, Oct. 2002- Dec. 2002, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University,
10, Apr. 2002-June 2002, RIKEN, Wako, Japan.
11, Sept. 2001-Oct, 2001, Insitiute of Theoretical Physics, Tuebingen University, Germany.
12, January, 2001-March, 2001, Department of Physics, Sophia University, Japan.
13, August,2000-September, 2000, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, Japan,
14, March, 1998-May, 1999, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Tuebingen, Germany.
15, October, 1997-February, 1998, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
16, March, 1996-June, 1996, Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, Japan.
Research Field:
1. Relativistic quantum mechanics.
2. Calculations for hadron spectrum and decay.
3. Study of the electromagnetic properties of nucleon and its resonances.
4, Study of nucleon structure function and quark-hadron duality
Research Work:
More than 100 papers have been published.